CBD Oil for Depression: How to Deal With Depression Naturally

7 min readSep 28, 2021

Sadness, emptiness and loneliness are normal aspects of human life. But for 18% of Americans, feelings of sadness and grief can last far longer than normal and become overwhelming. They develop depression.

The bad news is that depression is a serious illness that can keep you from living a normal life. The good news is that non-medical interventions can be as effective as medication for depression, so you have a wide range of options to begin healing.

​If you want to learn how to deal with depression in a natural way, and whether CBD oil for depression is the right choice for you, this is the guide for you. We will walk you through what depression is, how to recognize it, and what role natural interventions can play in your recovery.

What is Depression?​

Depression is a diagnosable mood disorder. That means it has some elements of a medical condition, and also some elements of the human experience of negative emotions.​

If you are experiencing depression, it’s important to recognize that it is not your fault. Many people feel guilty for not being able to “snap out of” their depression, but depression is a serious illness that affects your mind, body, and emotions. You will need treatment in order to heal.​

Left untreated, depression can lead to more health complications. The most serious consequence of untreated depression is suicide. This is why it is important to get help as early as possible and find ways to treat your illness.

What is Depression Like?​

Depression can take many forms. It’s often thought of as just feeling sad, but it can also be experienced as feelings of numbness, emptiness, and total absence of emotion.​

It usually can come with other emotional disturbances, such as anger and anxiety. You may also find yourself fixating on things in the past that have gone wrong, and lacking energy and interest for simple daily tasks.​

Signs and Symptoms of Depression​

Depression can be difficult to diagnose because all of its symptoms can be normal at certain times. However, when you have depression, these symptoms persist for an abnormal length of time and keep you from living a normal life.​

Physical Symptoms​

  • Extreme tiredness
  • Having trouble sleeping, or sleeping too much
  • Eating too much or too little
  • Headaches and other pains​

Mental Symptoms​

  • Difficulty concentrating and remembering facts
  • Fixating on past failures
  • Repeated negative thoughts​

Emotional Symptoms​

  • Feeling guilty
  • Feeling worthless or useless
  • Feeling irritable or angry
  • Numbness or emptiness​

Depression is different for everyone. You may have all of these symptoms or only a few.​

What Causes Depression?​

Where does this depression come from? Is it biological? Or is it emotional?​

It’s both.​

As human beings, our emotions are processed by our physical brains as neurotransmitters. This means that our physical bodies influence our emotions and vice versa.​

Depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters (the chemical messengers that carry messages between parts of your brain). When there are abnormally low levels of the neurotransmitters that tell your brain to feel good, such as dopamine and serotonin, you experience depression.​

This abnormal low in feel-good neurotransmitters can be caused by situational factors as well as biological ones. Very often, a person who is predisposed to depression goes through a stressful situation (such as a breakup or job loss), which triggers the depressive episode​

Some of the risk factors for depression include:​

  • Family history of mood disorders
  • Chronic medical conditions, especially chronic pain disorders
  • Childhood trauma
  • Substance abuse, including binge drinking
  • Certain prescription medications (depression and mood disorders are a side effect of many medications)
  • Thyroid or vitamin D deficiency​

When Should I Seek Help?​

You should seek help for depression if your symptoms start to impair your normal physical, emotional, and mental functioning. If you notice any of the following behaviours, it is time to get treatment:​

  • Not being able to get out of bed in the morning
  • Being unable to concentrate at school or work
  • Being unable to motivate yourself to do normal activities
  • Not maintaining close friendships​

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, you need to get help immediately.​

Treating Depression Naturally​

Natural treatments for depression focus on supporting your physical and emotional health so that you can start to heal. For many people, medication is also important to recover from depression.​

Every case of depression is unique, and you will need to spend some time finding the solution that works for you. However, studies have shown that non-medical interventions can be as effective as anti-depressant medications to treat mild to moderate depression. That doesn’t mean that you should avoid using medication if you need it, but it does mean that you have lots of options.​


When you have depression, it’s easy to slip into the mindset that you are a burden to everyone. It’s common for people with depression to keep their problems to themselves because they believe that no one cares enough to listen to them. Of course, this only leads to isolation and deepening depression.​

Counselling helps break this cycle. Talking about your experiences to someone who really cares doesn’t just help you get a new perspective on your situation, but reminds you that you aren’t alone.​

Counsellors can help you process your overwhelming emotions and give you tools to combat negative thoughts. However, many people find that the real benefit of counselling isn’t the advice that the therapist gives you; it’s the experience of being listened to and understood.​

If you are struggling to believe that your problems are worth talking about, or that you are worth listening to, counselling is a good option to begin your recovery.​

CBD Oil for Depression​

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a non-psychoactive chemical derived from the hemp plant. The benefits of CBD oil are caused by the fact that it activates serotonin receptors — the same feel-good neurotransmitter that are activated by natural mood-boosters like hugging, eating, or talking with friends.​

When you have depression, you might not be able to find the motivation to spend time with friends, and you might not find it enjoyable even if you do. Others might be isolated from friends due to situational factors like lockdowns. Those situations can be the trigger for a depressive episode.​

Whatever your situation is, CBD can be a natural way to get your mood back to normal. Research shows that it combats stress, so it’s effective against both depression and anxiety, both short and long term. It’s even been used to help sensitive elephants overcome anxiety and depression, with positive results.​

CBD oil is not the same as tetra-hydro-cannabinoids (THC), another chemical derivative from the help plant. THC is the chemical that causes psychoactive effects (it’s what makes you high when you smoke marijuana) and increases appetite, which can lead to weight issues. CBD does not make you high or cause any appetite changes, and it is legal in all 50 states.​

Plus, CBD oil comes in a wide range of strengths, so you can be sure to find one that suits your individual needs.​

Get Some Sleep​

Poor sleep has negative impacts on your emotional and physical health. In fact, sleep deprivation is so painful to endure that it has been used as a form of torture throughout history. But the emotional and physical problems of depression can cause disturbances to your sleep too, creating a vicious cycle.​

People with depression often have disturbed sleep habits. They might struggle either with insomnia or with excessive sleepiness. And even if you are getting lots of sleep, but your sleep cycle is irregular, your mental and physical health will suffer.​

Good sleep habits can decrease depressive symptoms even in severe depression. Make sure you have a set sleep and wake time that gives you 8–10 hours of sleep per night, and keep your phone and laptop away from your bed.​

Turn off the Tech​

Having your phone in your hand all the time can be devastating to your mental health. It’s not surprising, since some estimates claim that we scroll an average of almost 75 feet per day on our phones. Less screen time correlates with less emotional disturbance, so even if it is not a primary cause of your depression, it contributes to anxiety and poor mental health.​

And that doesn’t even take into account how the content of what you see affects you. When you are scrolling through Facebook and Instagram, you are seeing the highlight reel of everyone else’s lives. This can reinforce the negative thoughts of depression, especially of not being as good as everyone else.​


Exercise is a proven mood-booster. Plus, good physical health protects you from mood disorders in the future.

However, many people with depression simply can’t find the motivation to put on their running shoes and head outside. But you can still get the health benefits of exercise even if you’re not up for a long run.​

Try finding a video workout online, so that you can stop the workout whenever you have had enough. If that seems overwhelming, try something simpler: just walk up a flight of stairs, do a few stretches, or walk from one end of your apartment to the other. Even a little exercise will clear your head and help you get through the day.​

Recovering From Depression​

There are many options to deal with depression naturally, and your journey with depression will be as unique as you are.

​At Nothing But Hemp, our team members are certified in Health and Physiology. With awards in CBD knowledge, we are experienced in helping individuals find CBD solutions for a wide range of health problems.

If you are interested in CBD oil for depression, contact us for a free virtual product consultation and find quality CBD products to meet your needs.​




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